ITATI Interviews

Bruce Turkel

Stories, Life Hacks, and Success Tips From ITATI Interviews


Robert Mazzucchelli

Robert Mazzucchelli

Robert is the founder of, providing free online instruction in over thirty sports. Everyone can improve by watching their videos.

Susan Ford Collins

Founder and CEO of The Technology of Success, a consulting company which teaches 10 skills she discovered while writing her book, “The Joy of Success.”

Chris Crowley

Chris Crowley

A former corporate attorney, Chris is the co-author of the massively successful book, “Younger Next Year.” He also graciously wrote the forward to this book.

Seth Werner

Seth Werner

Seth Werner is a serial entrepreneur who has built and sold a number of very successful companies, including Often overcoming enormous challenges, Seth has figured out how to make a fortune and a wonderful life.

Dr. Gayle Carson

Dr. Gayle Carson

On her “Women in Business” radio show on her “Spunky Old Broad” Network, Dr. Gayle interviewed women entrepreneurs and/or senior managers. The SOB Network was her networking club for women over 50 years young!

Alex Fraser

Alex Fraser

Under Alex’s direction, his company Smart Business Processing, has concentrated on educating local and national clients about the most cost efficient ways to process credit cards. His business continues to expand rapidly.

Ed Wasserman

Ed writes and lectures widely on the ethics and operations of the news media. He is still a professor in journalism and is the former dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley.

Ian Wolfe

Ian Wolfe

Seargent Ian Wolfe has scaled every great mountain in the Western Hemisphere, earned degrees from both MIT and The Harvard School of Business and served in the US Army’s elite Green Berets. And he did it all with a two-word mantra.


Nathalie Cadet-James

A former attorney, Nathalie started her event planning and design studio, in 2009. LuxeFete pivoted quickly with the onset of the pandemic to an event in the box; celebration boxes for intimate gatherings.

Rick Beato

Rick Beato

Rick has a highly successful YouTube channel called Everything Music. Rick is also a music producer, multi-instrumentalist, and entrepreneur. And did I mention, he has over 2.7 Million subscribers. 

Ian Wolfe

Rashmi Airan

Rashmi is a “recovering lawyer and investment banker” who shares her story vulnerably to help others. She now speaks on ethics and leadership, as well as, diversity and inclusion.

Michael Grimme

Michael Grimme

Michael Grimme is an in-demand jet pilot who flies all over the world every day. But believe it or not, flying is his third or fourth career. He’s been able to do it all because he charts his life as carefully as he charts his flight paths.

Nelson Hincapie

Nelson Hincapie

Starting from a life of unspeakable horrors that crossed all boundaries, including national borders, Nelson Hincapie has found forgiveness, grace, and happiness. His story is truly a tale of redemption that can help all of us.

Terry Bell

Terry Bell

Through good times and bad, Terry Bell developed his personal philosophy of “Why Not Me?” These three words have helped him accept both tremendous fortune and crippling illness while learning from all experiences.

“Great reading, every season!”

Is That All There Is? Spring Reading
Is That All There Is? Summer Reading
Is That All There Is? Winter Reading
Amazon 5 Star Review

Great, easy read. Direct hit.

Before I give you my review, I have two confessions to make: 1. Bruce Turkel is a friend and neighbor of mine so you might think I’m biased. And 2. I was hoping to find things I didn’t like about Bruce’s new book just so I could razz him about it over a beer sometime.

That being said, I love this book. First of all, the premise of the book could have been written just for me – I am in the exact position in life Bruce writes about. Second, the stories of each of the people Bruce presents are fascinating and just long enough to cover the subject without becoming ponderous. Each is the perfect length for a quick read before bed. Third, I appreciate that the advice offered is not provided as imperatives or directives, rather they are suggestions for me to look at and consider. And finally, the recaps made it easy for me to revisit all of the people I met without having to flip back a hundred pages or so to remember what they had talked about.

As much as it pains me to say so (!!) I really loved this book and recommend it highly. TB

Tom Byrne

Amazon 5 Star Review

Better than a BBA

Each of the interview chapters in ITATI is equivalent to an entire undergraduate course in business. These heartfelt insights tell the unvarnished truth about successful people. There are no glib cliches or tired, “I pulled myself up from my bootstraps” parables. Nelson Hincapie, the CEO of Voices for Children, is particularly forthcoming and honest. Accurate reflections of the imperfections and false starts are particularly real and helpful.

Even more importantly, ITATI addresses the work/life balance that every other book on business so glibly overlooks. Following the examples and exemplars of the interviewees will allow readers to move along in the direction of their success by any meaningful definition of the term.

ITATI isn’t a book about business; it’s a book about life.

Patricia Poulos

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