Nathalie Cadet-Jones

Is That All There Is? Profile

Founder, Luxe Fête Event Planning


Nathalie Cadet-Jones

I was emailing back and forth with a friend and prominent attorney and mentioned to him what I was writing my new book about. He wrote back that I had to meet with Nathalie Cadet-Jones but he didn’t tell me why.

When I met her for a cup of coffee and heard a bit of her story I actually asked her to stop telling it to me because I wanted to interview her for this book and I didn’t want to already know how her tale was going to end. You’ll see why when you read Cadet-Jones’ story.

A Key ITATI Take-away – Nathalie’s Notions

“Be nimble.”

Is That All There Is? Spring Reading
Is That All There Is? Summer Reading
Is That All There Is? Winter Reading

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