Rashmi Airan
Is That All There Is? Profile
Speaker and Consultant
Rashmi Airan
I get lots of great things from my running group besides a group of dedicated people who hold me accountable to drag myself out of bed at o’dark thirty in the morning and get my miles in.
One of the best things is the new runners I meet. Rashmi Airan was one of them. When we first met, she told me she was interested in transitioning from her former career as a lawyer into the speaking business, and she asked if I could give her some advice.
We got together for breakfast after a run a few days later. When I suggested that Rashmi attend an out-of-town convention of the National Speakers Association she told me that she was on probation and wasn’t allowed to travel. My confused look invited Rashmi to tell me the rest of her story. And when I heard what she’d been through, I realized that Rashmi had a lot more to teach me (and you) than I had to teach her.
A Key ITATI Take-away – Rashmi’s Rationales
“Losing your freedom buys you complete freedom.”